Jane Parmel is a Business Efficiency Strategist and Profit Acceleration Specialist.

Jane Parmel is the creator of Cardinal Profit Strategies and has established herself as a successful entrepreneur. Jane transforms “operators” into actual business owners by optimizing their business processes, creating efficient and exponential growth.


Her foundations in Management began as far back as high school in Leadership Class, where she learned fundraising, event planning and management, marketing, and Project Management. The focus of her Senior Project was Community Organizations and Media Relations, and she received recognition from the Queens County Borough President for the program she helped create.


She has varied work experience – Lifeguard & Exercise Conditioning Trainer at The Colony Club in Manhattan, a Research Assistant working on Title IX issues, and an Elementary Science Teacher. In the course of her 25-year entrepreneurial journey, along with her partner, she founded, owned, and operated:

  • The Finish Line Party Center, Inc. (a children’s indoor play space)
  • TFL Party Planners (an event planning and management company)
  • NY Balloon & Basket Co. (balloon décor, design, and delivery service)
  • BalloonMobile.com (balloon equipment and supplies through Amazon)


With the devastation that Superstorm Sandy wrought on the New York area in 2012, Jane, along with her partner and staff, she rebuilt the extensively damaged business during that storm. She learned quickly to deal with bureaucratic red tape, dealing with programs designed to assist companies that were affected by the storm and became quite adept at connecting dots and completing forms to receive attention from NYC’s programs as well as two private grant programs as well.


She has also achieved Certified Status for Jae Rae Associates, Inc. (the parent company) as a National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Business Enterprise. Jane also works with the NYC SBS to finalize Certification as a Minority & Women-Owned Business Enterprise.

Jane is an alum of the prestigious Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Initiative, where she received formal business training and a Certificate of Entrepreneurship. She also holds a certificate in Management Consulting. In addition, Jane is a Certified Money Breakthrough Business Coach.



She provides resources for business owners on her podcast “The Right Room” and a platform for women’s voices on “Phenomenal Message Makers.” Jane’s speaking presentations focus on Business Resilience, Efficiency & Success in Business, and Connections. As part of the Goldman Sachs 10KSB Voices program, she has spoken with US House of Representatives members concerning issues affecting small businesses and their owners.


Jane also shares her expertise through writing and contributing to numerous business magazines and blogs. Her writing appears in Brainz Magazine, The Six-Figure Coach Magazine, and the blogs The-Right-Room.com and AVividImagination.com. Additionally, her story on resilience appears in the collaborative book “Voices of the 21st Century: Resilient Women Who Rise & Make a Difference”.


Jane provides coaching and consulting programs through her most recent company, Cardinal Profit Strategies. Jane wants to help business owners avoid the missteps that often mark a premature end for a business. Her mission is to make more businesses resilient and profitable.